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Recombinant Murine MEC


更新时间:2015-06-11  |  阅读:595


"产品名称:Murine MEC
品牌及货号:英国peprotech 250-30
关键词:Murine MEC,小鼠粘膜相关上皮趋化因子
Murine MEC 其他相关重组蛋白/细胞因子产品:"

Recombinant Murine MDC peprotech-250-23
Recombinant Murine M-CSF peprotech-315-02
Recombinant Murine MCP-5 (CCL12) peprotech-250-04
Recombinant Murine MCP-3 peprotech-250-08
Recombinant Murine Lungkine peprotech-250-37
Recombinant Murine LIX (93aa) (CXCL5) peprotech-250-17
Recombinant Murine LIX (70aa) (CXCL5) peprotech-250-36
Recombinant Murine LIGHT peprotech-315-12
Recombinant Murine Leptin peprotech-450-31
Recombinant Murine KC (CXCL1) peprotech-250-11
Recombinant Murine JE/MCP-1 (CCL2) peprotech-250-10
Recombinant Murine I-TAC (CXCL11) peprotech-250-29
Recombinant Murine IP-10 (CXCL10) peprotech-250-16
Recombinant Murine IL-9 peprotech-219-19
Recombinant Murine IL-7 peprotech-217-17
Recombinant Murine IL-6 peprotech-216-16
Recombinant Murine IL-5 peprotech-215-15
Recombinant Murine IL-4 peprotech-214-14
Recombinant Murine IL-33 peprotech-210-33
Recombinant Murine IL-31 peprotech-210-31
Recombinant Murine IL-3 peprotech-213-13
Recombinant Murine IL-22 peprotech-210-22
Recombinant Murine IL-21 peprotech-210-21
Recombinant Murine IL-2 peprotech-212-12
Recombinant Murine IL-1beta peprotech-211-11B
Recombinant Murine IL-1alpha peprotech-211-11A
Recombinant Murine IL-17F peprotech-210-17F
Recombinant Murine IL-17 peprotech-210-17
Recombinant Murine IL-15 peprotech-210-15
Recombinant Murine IL-13 peprotech-210-13
Recombinant Murine IL-12 p80 peprotech-210-12p80
Recombinant Murine IL-12 p40 peprotech-210-11
Recombinant Murine IL-12 peprotech-210-12
Recombinant Murine IL-11 peprotech-220-11

Mouse monoclonal [SPM175] to v-Myb / c-Myb  抗体 Abcam ab17851
Mouse monoclonal [SPM316] to RPA34, prediluted  抗体 Abcam ab17852
Mouse monoclonal [SPM160] to Actin, prediluted  抗体 Abcam ab17853
Mouse monoclonal [SPM294] to MMP7, prediluted  抗体 Abcam ab17854
Mouse monoclonal [SPM232] to Bag1, prediluted  抗体 Abcam ab17855
Mouse monoclonal [SPM250] to Granulocytes, prediluted  抗体 Abcam ab17856
Mouse monoclonal [SPM198] to Mitochondria - Mitochondrial Marker, prediluted  抗体 Abcam ab17857
Mouse monoclonal [SPM314] to Renal Cell Carcinoma (gp200), prediluted  抗体 Abcam ab17858
Mouse monoclonal [4i29] to Caspase 3  抗体 Abcam ab17862
Mouse monoclonal [3F48] to Caspase 3  抗体 Abcam ab17863
Mouse monoclonal [3F51] to Caspase 6  抗体 Abcam ab17866
Mouse monoclonal [3H2821] to p53 (FITC)  抗体 Abcam ab17867
Mouse monoclonal [3F49] to Caspase 3  抗体 Abcam ab17868
Mouse monoclonal [3F301] to p53  抗体 Abcam ab17869
Rabbit polyclonal to Methionine Aminopeptidase 2  抗体 Abcam ab17870
Rabbit polyclonal to Serum Amyloid P  抗体 Abcam ab17872
Sheep polyclonal to p38  抗体 Abcam ab17873
Rabbit polyclonal to Nucleolar protein 30  抗体 Abcam ab17874
Mouse monoclonal [SPM236] to Cdk5, prediluted  抗体 Abcam ab17875
Chicken polyclonal to IL10  抗体 Abcam ab17877
Chicken polyclonal to Papillomavirus Regulatory Factor 1 / HDBP2  抗体 Abcam ab17878
Mouse monoclonal [SPM203] to 200 kD Neurofilament Heavy  抗体 Abcam ab17879
Mouse monoclonal [SPM171] to Cdc7 Kinase  抗体 Abcam ab17880
Goat polyclonal to Fas Ligand (Biotin)  抗体 Abcam ab17881
Rabbit polyclonal to GRO alpha  抗体 Abcam ab17882
Goat polyclonal to IL17  抗体 Abcam ab17883
Rabbit polyclonal to BMP2 - Differentiation marker  抗体 Abcam ab17885
Goat polyclonal to FGF17 (Biotin)  抗体 Abcam ab17886
Rabbit polyclonal to Neurotrophin 4 (Biotin)  抗体 Abcam ab17888
Mouse monoclonal [4C12] to HA tag (FITC)  抗体 Abcam ab1789
IgG  抗体 Abcam ab17890
Rabbit polyclonal to Adiponectin (Biotin)  抗体 Abcam ab17895
Rabbit polyclonal to MMP16, prediluted  抗体 Abcam ab17896
Mouse monoclonal [SPM172] to ErbB 2, prediluted  抗体 Abcam ab17897
Mouse monoclonal [SPM222] to Thyroid Hormone Receptor beta  抗体 Abcam ab17898
Mouse monoclonal [SPM188] to Human IgM, prediluted  抗体 Abcam ab17899

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