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AbD Serotec公司


更新时间:2015-07-18  |  阅读:2877



英国AbD Serotec  www.ab-direct.com  www.morphosys.com
Serotec公司成立于1982年,总部位于英国牛津。2006年初由原来的Serotec、Design、Biogenesis和OBT四家公司合并而成AbD Serotec,统一归德国著名的抗体公司MorphoSys
在美国、德国、斯堪的纳维亚半岛等设有分公司,还拥有*范围内的代理商。其宗旨为生产高质量的抗体和免疫学试剂以满足广大客户日益增长的需求。Serotec不断地有计划的对其产品系进行扩展,迄今为止世界范围内提供的试剂达数千种之多。旗下。合并后的AbD Serotec公司可以提供上万种抗体和免疫学试剂、单抗制备和多种规模的抗体生产和标记服务。zui近AbD Serotec还建立了ISO 9001认证的生产机构,为其客户提供更高品质的免疫学产品和相关客户服务。
· Human CD
· Rodent
· Veterinary
· Cell biology and Apoptosis
· Flow Cytometry
· Immunohistology
· Secondary Reagents

AbD (Antibodies Direct) is the research antibody division of MorphoSys, one of the world’s leading antibody technology companies.
The AbD Serotec brand was created in early 2006 to market the combined products and services of Antibodies by Design, Biogenesis, Serotec, and Oxford Biotechnology – more than 10,000 antibodies and immunological reagents, custom monoclonal antibodies developed from the MorphoSys HuCAL library, and large and small scale antibody production and conjugation services.
AbD Serotec prides itself on its commitment to providing its customers in research and industry the highest quality products and services, and has recently opened a new ISO 9001-certified production facility in Kidlington, near Oxford UK. This new facility is the AbD Serotec headquarters, and supports sales offices in Raleigh, North Carolina; Brentwood, New Hampshire; Duesseldorf, Germany; Paris, France; and Hamar, Norway. Custom monoclonal development services are performed at MorphoSys headquarters in Martinsried, near Munich in Germany.

With its unique HuCAL technology (the Human Combinatorial Antibody Library) MorphoSys is developing the next generation of antibodies for treatment of disease and for research and diagnostics purposes. Numerous partnerships have already been entered into with well-known companies from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors, such as Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Centocor/Johnson & Johnson, Daiichi Sankyo, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche and Schering.
Antibodies by Design
In early 2003, MorphoSys established Antibodies by Design to provide custom antibody development services to the research and diagnostic markets using its proven HuCAL technology. The speed of this service and the high specificity of the antibodies proved extremely popular in both academia and industry, resulting in the development of more than 4000 custom monoclonal antibodies.
MorphoSys acquired the Biogenesis group of companies (Biogenesis Ltd in Poole, UK, and Biogenesis Inc in Brentwood, NH, USA) in January 2005 as a vehicle to bring HuCAL antibodies into the catalog antibody market. Biogenesis brought more than 20 years experience in the antibody industry and a large and diverse range of catalog antibodies to the MorphoSys group.
In January 2006, MorphoSys added Serotec to its Research Antibody Division, and created the AbD Serotec brand. Since its establishment more than 20 years ago, Serotec has earned a strong position in the global market for research antibodies with direct sales operations in the UK, USA, Germany, France, and Scandinavia, distributors in more than 55 countries, and a large portfolio of antibodies and custom services.
Oxford Biotechnology (OBT)
Acquired with Serotec in January 2006, OBT was an internet-based antibody sales company, with customers all over the world. The OBT product portfolio is now also part of the AbD Serotec offering.
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