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更新时间:2015-07-17  |  阅读:2709









美国派普泰克PeproTech  www.peprotech.com
     PeproTech China (
派普泰克中国代表处是由美国PeproTech Inc.亚洲分公司在中国设立的外资常驻代表机构,负责对细胞因子及相关产品包括抗体和ELISA试剂盒等进行和市场推广。
     PeproTech Inc.
创立于1988年,始终致力于为生命科学研究开发重组蛋白及相关产品,如今已成为能提供多种高质量细胞因子和重组蛋白,相应的单克隆、多克隆和生物素标记抗体,以及ELISA试剂盒的世界*。PeproTech Inc.的产品涵盖免疫调节蛋白、白介素、集落刺激因子、生长因子、化学趋化因子、干扰素、脂联素、成纤维生长因子、转化生长因子、肿瘤坏死因子、神经营养素和防御素等诸多生命科学研究领域中重要的生物活性分子。为跟踪当今科研发展、满足日益增长的需求,PeproTech Inc.研制出无动物成分的重组蛋白(animal-free recombinant proteins)。这些蛋白是利用专有的无动物成分生产设施,在严格的无动物成分条件下生产出来,因此痕量的动物源性污染引发潜在问题的可能性被降至zui低,从而*达到临床前研究和细胞治疗用标准。此外,PeproTech Inc.还开发出无动物成分的培养基添加物试剂盒(animal-free Media Supplement Kits)。这些试剂盒经改良设计,其中的无血清组分对多种哺乳动物细胞的生长有更好的维持能力。 PeproTech Inc.的产品自2000年进入中国市场以来,以其优良的品质和合理的价格迅速得到国内各重点研究和实验机构的认可和青睐。鉴于中国经济发展的良好态势和中国生物医药研发投入的巨额增长,PeproTech Inc.200910月在中国苏州设立代表机构,意为中国的广大用户提供更好的支持和服务,并助中国的科研和产业开发一臂之力。


Human Growth Factors & Cytokines
Human, Murine & Rat Chemokines
Murine & Rat Growth Factors & Cytokines
Human & Rat Neurotrophins
Other Recombinant Proteins
Monoclonal Antibodies
Antigen-Affinity Purified Polyclonal Antibodies
Biotinylated Polyclonal Antibodies
ELISA Development Kits

PeproTech was established in 1988 by a group of scientists who decided to focus their efforts on the development and production of recombinant cytokines for life-science research. Today, PeproTech is a world leader in supplying high quality cytokine products including E. coli, insect, and mammalian cell-derived recombinant proteins, their monoclonal/polyclonal antibodies, ELISA development kits, and other cytokine-related reagents. These products are distributed worldwide through customer-service offices in the US, UK, France, Germany, Israel, Korea, China, Japan, Brazil, and Mexico. We plan to maintain the highly competitive price of our products and to expand their distribution to Australia, New Zealand, and other locations. To keep up with current research and growing demand we have recently expanded our production capabilities to include a 5000 sq. ft. animal-free manufacturing facility. A key component in keeping up with current scientific advancements has been our collaboration with researchers in both academia and industry who provide us with suggestions necessary to continuously expand our product pipeline. We encourage you to convey to us your particular research needs and promise to do our best to fulfill them.



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